King James Bible
3 John
This brief epistle is attributed to the apostle John, though he
does not give his name. He called himself "the elder" which seems to
have been John's self-designation in the final years of his ministry.
The same stylistic and theological similarities apparent in the fourth
gospel, 1 John and 2 John are a distinct feature of 2 John as well. The
letter is addressed to Gaius, a common name that can not be identified
as a specific person. John commends and exhorts Gaius for his
steadfastness and for his care of Christian missionaries, and he uses
Diotrephes as an example of how not to live as a Christian. John's words
are meant to encourage Gaius until John can see him personally.
3 John 1
1:1-4 Salutation
1:5-8 Service to the brethren
1:9-10 Rebuke to Diotrephes
1:11-12 A good testimony
1:13-14 Conclusion
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