King James Bible
Paul planted the church in Philippi about A.D. 50, on his second
missionary journey. Their love for Paul was reciprocated
often in full measure, and they were considered by him to be his beloved
brethren. The Philippian assembly was in good spiritual health, and
their only flaw is a lack of complete harmony among some of their
members. Hence, Paul often summons them to unite and cautions them of
the potential danger of their enemies.
Paul wrote this epistle to offer sincere thanks to his beloved converts
for their gifts and support to him when he was in prison in Rome, and to
relieve some of their anxiety when Epaphroditus (one of their own
congregation) fell deathly ill as he was ministering to Paul. The
resulting distress among the congregation at word of Epaphroditus'
illness, created an added burden for Paul. As a result, Paul writes this
epistle thanking them for their gifts, and sends Epaphroditus home
prematurely in order that all three parties may be relieved of
unnecessary anxiety for each other. Epaphroditus arrived back in
Philippi with Paul's letter of thanks in hand, and the congregation at
Philippi had both their beloved brother and a letter from Paul,
encouraging them to be joyful in their spirits.
Philippians 1
1:1-2 Salutation
1:3-11 Thanksgiving and prayer
1:12-26 To me to live is Christ
1:27-30 Exhortation to steadfastness
Philippians 2
2:1-11 Christ's
humiliation and exaltation
2:12-18 Shining as lights in the world
2:19-30 Timothy and Epaphroditus
Philippians 3
3:1-21 Pressing toward the mark
Philippians 4
4:1-7 Rejoice in the Lord
4:8-9 Think on these things
4:10-20 Appreciation for the gift
4:21-23 Greetings and benediction
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