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Keyword: Holy Spirit

"The Holy Spirit is with the Father and the Son the true, eternal God in so far as like the begetting Father and the begotten Son, He is the communion and self-impartation realised and consisting between both from all eternity; the principle of their mutual love proceeding from both and equal in essence; the eternal reality of their separateness, mutuality and convolution, of their distinctness and interconnexion.  To this extent it may well be said that it is in the Holy Spirit that the mystery of God's trinitarian essence attains its full profundity and clarity.  He is at once the innermost secret of God, and in God's relationship with man the great, bright and incontrovertible revelaton of the unity and diversity of the Father and the Son.  It is in the Holy Spirit that the commission of the Father and the obedience of the Son, the good-pleasure of the Father and the glory of the Son, obviously coincide in the decree which is the intra-divine beginning of all things."

Voice: Barth, Karl
Circumstance: Writings on Creation, History and Creation History
Citation: Barth, Karl. "Church Dogmatics - the Doctrine of Creation" Iii.1. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, Marketing, LLC, 1958, 2010, p. 56.
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Church Dogmatics by Karl Barth