
The Philistines were a tribe allied to the Phoenicians. They were a primitive race which spread over the whole district of Lebanon, the valley of Jordan, Crete and other Mediterranean islands. In the time of Abraham, they inhabited the south-west of Judea and Abimelech of Gerar was their king. They were a powerful tribe and made frequent incursions against the Hebrews, and there was almost always a war going on between them.

They were not subdued until the time of King Hezekiah, however, they continued to occupy their territory and show hatred toward Israel. The Philistines are called Fulsata or Pulista on the Egyptian monuments and the land of the Philistines (Philistia) was termed Palastu and Pilista in Assyrian inscriptions. From Philistia, the name of the land of the Philistines came to eventually be known as “Palestine.”

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