Main Glossary

Words matter! Know the meanings of the words you speak, write, preach and teach to perfectly accomplish the things the LORD God wills.

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Education (Christian)

"The deliberate, systematic, and sustained divine and human effort to share or appropriate the knowledge, values, attitudes, skills, sensitivities, and behaviors that comprise or are consistent with the Christian faith.  It fosters the change, renewal, and reformation of persons, groups, and structures by the power of the Holy Spirit to conform to the revealed will of God as expressed in the Old and New Testaments and preeminently in the person of Jesus Christ, as well as any outcomes of that effort."1

1 Robert W. Pazmino, Foundational Issues in Christian Education, 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1987), p. 87.

Entry link: Education (Christian)


The institutional practice that places meat before the Idol.

Entry link: Idolothyta


Boring, pointless, dull, or bland
Entry link: Insipid


Foolish and without wisdom
Entry link: Insipience


Easily provoked to anger.
Entry link: Irascible


Unskilled and untrained to the accepted standards of one's profession
Entry link: Jack-leg


The governmental language of the world in the time of Jesus Christ
Entry link: Latin


Lust for conquering.1



1Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, The City of God, trans., Marcus Dods, Modern Library Paperback ed. (New York: Random House, Inc., 2000), 464

Entry link: Opinionativeness


Common religious loyalty that binds believers together. Those within a sacral society are all the members within that societ committed to common religion.

Entry link: Sacral


A hypothesis that has not been proven as fact. The establishment of a theory as fact requires the properties of data, observation and repeatability to establish as scientific fact.
Entry link: Theory

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