Separates from Lot... Genesis 13:8-12 Rescues captured Lot... Genesis 14:14-16 Receives Melchizedek's blessing... Genesis 14:18-20
Covenant renewed; a son promised to... Genesis 15:1-20
Justified by faith… Genesis 15:6, Romans 4:3
Takes Hagar as concubine... Genesis 16:1-4 Ishmael born... Genesis 16:5-16 Covenant renewed; named Abraham... Genesis 17:1-8
Household of, circumcised... Genesis 17:9-14, 23-27 Promised a son... Genesis 17:15-19 Covenant in Isaac,
not Ishmael... Genesis 17:20-22, Galations 4:22-31
Receives messengers... Genesis 18:1-15
Intercedes concerning Sodom... Genesis 18:16-33
Witnesses Sodom's doom... Genesis 19:27. 28 His faith saves Lot... Genesis 19:29 Sojourns at Gerar; deceives Abimelech... Genesis 20:1-18
Isaac born to, and circumcised... Genesis 21:1-8 Sends Hagar and Ishmael away... Genesis 21:9-21
Makes covenant with Abimelech... Genesis 21:22-34
Testing of, in
offering Isaac... Genesis 22:1-19 Receives news about Nabor… Genesis 22:20-24
Buys burial place for Sarah... Genesis 23:1-20 Obtains wife for Isaac... Genesis 24:1-67
Marries Keturah; fathers other children; dies....Genesis 25:1-10