The Foundation of Jesus Christ, Answers #3 41. How does knowledge of sin correspond to a person’s faith? Romans 14:22-23, Rom 12:1-3 (More than one answer) A. Faith comes because of worship and praise to the LORD God and prevents sin. B. The more righteous person always has more faith and less sin C. Faith is between each individual and God. He will reveal to everyone what their sins are. D. Good works results in good faith and less sin. E. Faith comes from a desirous soul and sin from a corrupt heart. F. The LORD God decides how much faith you will have, and the knowledge of your sins. G. Faith grows without pause and sin stops abruptly. 42. What results if a person's faith allows him to act, and he does that act in faith? Romans 14:22-23 A. He will be happy. B. He will be sinning. C. He will be judged. D. He will be sad. 43. What results if a person's faith allows him to act, yet he puts restriction, guilt, doubt, punishment, or fear on the act? Romans 14:22-23 A. He will be happy. B. He will be sinning. C. He will be judged. D. He will be sad. 44. What type of contributions to sin does the devil offer? John 8:38-45 A. Lust. B. Murder. C. Lies. D. A & C. E. All the above. 45. If a person has the sins of the devil, what results? John 8:38-45 A. He cannot love Jesus. B. He cannot understand the message of Jesus. C. He cannot hear the Word of Jesus. D. All the above. 46. Where do the sins of a defiled person come from? Matthew 15:16-20 A. The defiled person's mind and what goes into it. B. The defiled person's mouth and what goes into it. C. The defiled person's heart and what comes from it. D. The defiled person's demons and what comes from them. 47. How does Evil tempt a person to sin? James 1:13-15(36) (More than one answer) A. Takes advantage of the lust of a person. B. Causes desire through allurement. C. Causes desire through deceit. D. Takes possession of the body and control of the mind. E. Tricks the mind and confuses the soul. F. Forces the weak to submit. G. Demands a specific choice between evil and good. H. Threatens and harasses. J. Plays advocate in times of sadness and trials. 48. What happens if a person lusts after that which is evil? James 1:13-15 A. The lustful person goes to hell. B. The lustful person is punished severely. C. The lustful person is sinning. D. The lustful person is empowered. 49. What happens to a defiled person if a sin continues unabated? James 1:13-15 A. He will be forced to confess his sins and receive absolution. B. He will die. C. He will be punished then encouraged toward higher spiritual growth. D. He will require another baptism to wash away his sins. 50. Which statement is true? James 1:13-15 A. The Devil tricks the LORD God by pretending to love Christians. B. The Devil tempts the LORD God by causing illness in righteous and innocent lives. C. The Devil tempts the LORD God by creating natural disasters causing suffering. D. The Devil cannot tempt the LORD God. E. Both B & C. F. All the above. 51. When does the LORD God tempt man with evil? James 1:13-15 A. To test his sincerity in his profession of faith. B. To encourage spiritual growth. C. The LORD God never tempts any man with evil. D. To prove the righteousness of a man. E. A, B, & D. 52. How did sin enter the world? Romans 5:12-14 A. Through Adam. B. Through Noah. C. Through Job. D. Through the creation of the world. 53. What was the result of this first sin? Romans 5:12-14 A. Satan gained power. B. Death sentence was passed upon all men. C. Men could finally live forever. D. Men could become gods. E. Women would have to toil in fields for food. F. Men would have difficult and painful birth pangs. G. Snakes would get legs. 54. What is the result of sin for those unaware of what constitutes a sin? Romans 5:12-14 A. The sin is forgiven because the person was ignorant. B. The sin is forgotten because the person was unaware of God's law. C. The sin is punished but forgiven for innocent sinners. D. Death is the result of sin for even those who are unaware of sin. 55. What happened when man received the laws of the LORD God through Moses? Romans 5:12-14 A. People became accountable to the law. B. People were sentenced to death. C. People were forced to declare allegiance. D. People learned to live with faith. 56. A fetus inside a mother's womb before her awareness of its existence is ? Psalms 51:5 A. Innocent. B. Not yet a life. C. A sinner. D. Righteous 57. Where does sin originate? (More than one answer) A. Passion B. Love C. Power D. Satan E. Man's mouth F. Man's heart G. Lust H. Sex I. Adam's transgression J. Death K. Beginning of life L. Awareness M. Hell 58. When is Satan able to easily direct a person's path into the deepest darkness of sins and eternal damnation? A. When a person is born. B. When a person is facing death. C. When a person's lust starts directing his path. D. When a person's love starts leading his life. E. When a person is facing hardship and loss. F. When a person is facing illness and pain. G. When a person is unable to attend church regularly