
The Acts of the Apostles in the King James Bible presents an extensive view of early church life and history. It's focus is primarily on the acts of two apostles, Peter and Paul. It's purpose is to show the continuation of works through the teachings of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the establishment of the church. The author is the same as the author of Luke, with the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts forming a single, two-volume work. Luke wrote to convince Theophilus, probably a Gentile official, of the certainty of the Things of Jesus Christ that had been told to him. He also wrote to provide a unity between Christ's works in the Gospels and the apostles' labors after His ascension. And finally, Luke wrote to show the Roman world that Christianity is not a subversive political movement. Few biblical books are as misused as the Book of Acts, and some denominations have created distinctive and divisive teachings from their interpretations.