Becker Topical Indexes




Other names for:


Adam, the second... 1 Corinthians 15:45-47; Advocate... 1 John 2:1; Almighty... Revelation 19:15; Alpha and Omega... Revelation 21:6;  Amen... Revelation 3:14; Ancient of Days... Daniel 7:9; Angel of his presence... Isaiah 3:9; Anointed above His fellows... Psalms 45:7; Anointed of the Lord... Psalms 2:2; Apostle of our profession... Hebrews 3:1; Arm of the Lord... Isaiah 51:9, 10; Author and finisher of our faith... Hebrews 12:2; Babe... Luke 2:16; Beginning and end... Revelation 21:6; Beloved... Ephesians 1:6; Beloved of God... Matthew 12:18; Beloved Son... Mark 1:11; Blessed and only Potentate... 1 Timothy 6:15; Born of God... John 5:18; Branch... Zechariah 3:8; Branch, a righteous... Jeremiah 23:5; Branch of righteousness... Jeremiah 33:15; Bread... John 6:41; Bread of Life... John 6:35;  Bridegroom... John 3:29; Bright morning star... Revelation 22:16; Captain of salvation... Hebrews 2:10;  Carpenter... Mark 6:3;  Carpenter's son... Matthew 13:55; Chief corner stone... Psalms 118:22; Mark 12:10; Chief Shepherd... 1 Peter 5:4; Child... Isaiah 9:6; Child Jesus... Luke 2:27; Chosen of God... 1 Peter 2:4; Christ, the... John 1:41; Acts 9:22; Christ a King... Luke 23:2; Christ, Jesus... Romans 8:2; Christ Jesus our Lord... Romans 8:39; Christ of God, the... Luke 9:20; Christ, of God, His Chosen One... Luke 23:35; Christ, the Lord... Luke 2:11; Christ, the power of God... 1 Corinthians 1:24; Christ, the Son of the Blessed... Mark 14:61; Commander... Isaiah 55:4; Consolation of Israel... Luke 2:25; Costly cornerstone... Isaiah 28:16; Counselor... Isaiah 9:6; Covenant of the people... Isaiah 42:6; Dayspring... Luke 1:78;  Day star... 2 Peter 1:19;  Deity... Colossians 2:9; Deliverer... Romans 11:26; Desire of all nations... Haggai 2:7; Diadem... Isaiah 28:5; Door... John 10:2; Door of the sheep... John 10:1; Emmanuel... Matthew 1:23; Ensign of the people... Isaiah 11:10; Eternal life... 1 John 5:20; Everlasting Father... Isaiah 9:6; Faithful and True... Revelation 19:11; Faithful witness... Revelation 1:5; Firmly placed foundation... Isaiah 28:16; First-begotten... Hebrews 1:6; First-born from the dead... Colossians 1:18; First-born of the dead... Revelation 1:5; First-born of every creature... Colossians 1:15; First-born among many brethren... Romans 8:29; First fruits... 1 Corinthians 15:23; First and last... Revelation 22:13; Forerunner... Hebrews 6:20; Foundation laid in Zion... Isaiah 28:16; Friend of publicans and sinners... Luke 7:34; Glorious Lord... Isaiah 33:21; God... John 20:28;  God blessed forever... Romans 9:5;  God of Israel... Isaiah 45:15; God, our Savior... 1 Timothy 2:3; God with us... Matthew 1:23; Good Master... Mark 10:17; Governor... Matthew 2:6; Great God... Titus 2:13; Great High Priest... Hebrews 4:14; Great Shepherd... Hebrews 13:20; Guardian of souls... 1 Peter 2:25; Head, even Christ... Ephesians 4:15; Head of all... Colossians 2:10; Head of every man... 1 Corinthians 11:3; Head of the body, the church... Colossians 1:18; Head over all things... Ephesians 1:22; Heir of all things... Hebrews 1:2; High Priest... Hebrews 4:14; His beloved Son... Colossians 1:13; Holy One... John 2:20; Holy and Righteous One... Acts 3:14; Holy One of God... Luke 4:34;  Holy One of Israel... Isaiah 37:23; Holy Child... Acts 4:27; Hope of glory... Colossians 1:27; Horn of salvation... Luke 1:69; Husband... 2 Corinthians 11:2; I Am... John 8:58; Image of God... 2 Corinthians 4:4; Image of the Invisible God... Colossians 1:15; Jesus... Luke 1:31; Jesus Christ... Romans 1:4; Jesus Christ our Lord... Romans 6:23; Jesus Christ our Savior... Titus 3:6; Jesus of Nazareth... Luke 24:19; Jesus, the Son of God... Hebrews 4:14; Jesus, the (supposed) son of Joseph... Luke 3:23; Judge of Israel... Micah 5:1; Judge of the quick and the dead... Acts 10:42; Just man... Matthew 27:19; King... John 12:13; King eternal... 1 Timothy 1:17; King of glory... Psalms 24:7; King of Israel.. John 12:13; King of kings... 1 Timothy 6:15; King of the Jews... Matthew 27:37; King of Zion... Zechariah 9:9; King over all the earth... Zechariah 14:9; Lamb... Revelation 13:8; Lamb of God... John 1:36; Leader... Isaiah 55:4; Life... John 14:6; Light... John 1:9; Light of the Gentiles... Acts 13:47; Light of the World... John 9:5; Lily of the valleys... Song of Solomon 2:1; Lion of the tribe of Judah... Revelation 5:5; Living bread... John 6:51; Living stone... 1 Peter 2:4; Lord... John 21:7; Lord Christ... Colossians 3:24; Lord God Almighty... Revelation 4:8; Lord Jesus... Acts 19:17; Lord Jesus Christ... 2 Thessalonians 2:1;Lord and Savior Jesus Christ... 2 Peter 2:20; Lord both of dead and living... Romans 14:9; Lord of all... Acts 10:36; Romans 10:12; Lord of glory... 1 Corinthians 2:8; Lord of hosts... Isaiah 54:5; Lord of lords... 1 Timothy 6:15; Lord of Sabbath... Luke 6:5; Lord our righteousness… Jeremiah 23:6; Lord, your redeemer... Isaiah 43:14; Man of peace... Luke 10:6; Man of sorrows... Isaiah 53:3; Master... Mark 12:14; Mediator... Hebrews 12:24; Messenger of the covenant... Malachi 3:1; Messiah... John 4:25, 26; Mighty God... Isaiah 9:6; Mighty One of Jacob... Isaiah 60:16; Minister of the circumcision... Romans 15:8; Minister of the sanctuary... Hebrews 8:1, 2; Morning star... Revelation 22:16; Most Mighty... Psalms 45:3; Nazarene.. Matthew 2:23; Only begotten of the Father... John 1:14; Only begotten Son... John 1:18; Only wise God... 1 Timothy 1:17; Our Passover... 1 Corinthians 5:7; Our peace... Ephesians 2:14; Physician... Luke 4:23; Power of God... 1 Corinthians 1:24; Precious cornerstone... 1 Peter 2:6; Priest... Hebrews 5:6; Prince.... Acts 5:31; Prince of life... Acts 3:15; Prince of peace... Isaiah 9:6; Prince of the kings of the earth... Revelation 1:5; Prophet... Deuteronomy 18:15, 18; Propitiation... Romans 3:25; Purifier and refiner... Malachi 3:3; Rabbi... John 6:25; Rabboni… John 20:16; Ransom... 1 Timothy 2:6; Redeemer... Isaiah 59:20; Resurrection and the life... John 11:25; Righteous Judge... 2 Timothy 4:8; Righteous One... Isaiah 53:11; Rock... 1 Corinthians 10:4; Rock of offense... Romans 9:33; Rod of the stem of Jesse... Isaiah 11:1; Root of  David... Revelation 22:16; Root of Jesse... Isaiah 11:10; Rose of Sharon... Song of Solomon 2:1; Ruler in Israel... Micah 5:2; Salvation... Luke 2:30;  Savior... 1 Timothy 4:10; Savior, Jesus Christ... 2 Peter 2:20; Savior, God our...Titus 1:3; Savior of the world... 1 John 4:14; Scepter out of Israel... Numbers 24:17; Second man... 1 Corinthians 15:47; Seed of David... John 7:42; Seed of the woman… Genesis 3:15; Shepherd... John 10:11; Shepherd of souls... 1 Peter 2:25; Shoot of the stem of Jesse... Isaiah 11:1; Son of the Blessed... Mark 14:61; Son of David... Matthew 9:27; Son of God... Romans 1:4; Son of Man... Acts 7:56; Son of Mary... Mark 6:3; Son of the Father... 2 John 3; Son of the Most High... Luke 1:32; Source of eternal salvation... Hebrews 5:9; Sower.... Matthew 13:3, 37; "Star out of Jacob"... Numbers 24:17; Stone... Daniel 2:45; Stone rejected... Luke 20:17; Stone of stumbling... Romans 9:32, 33; Sun of righteousness... Malachi 4:2; Teacher from God... John 3:2; Tried stone... Isaiah 28:16; True vine... John 15:1; Truth... John 14:6; Unspeakable gift... 2 Corinthians 9:15; Way... John 14:6; Wonderful... Isaiah 9:6; Word... 1 John 1:1; Word of God... Revelation 19:13; Word of Life... 1 John 1:1


The Anointed One


