Becker Topical Indexes




History of:


Originally Salem... Genesis 14:18

Occupied by Jebusite... Joshua 15:8

King of, defeated by Joshua... Joshua 10:5-23

Assigned to Benjamin... Joshua 18:28

Attacked by Judah... Judges 1:8

Jebusites remain in... Judges 1:21

David brings Goliath's head to... 1 Samuel 17:54

Conquered by David... 2 Samuel 5:6-8

Name changed... 2 Samuel 5:7-9

Ark brought to... 2 Samuel 6:12-17

Saved from destruction... 2 Samuel 24:16

Solomon builds Temple here... 1 Kings 5:5-8

Suffers in war... 1 Kings 14:25-27

Plundered by Israel... 2 Kings 14:13, 14

Besieged by Syrians... Isaiah 7:1

Earthquake damages... Amos 1:1

Miraculously saved... 2 Kings 19:31-36

Ruled by Egypt... 2 Kings 23:33-35

Besieged by Babylon... 2 Kings 24:10, 11

Captured by Babylon... Jeremiah 39:1-8

Desolate 70 years... Jeremiah 25:11, 12

Temple rebuilt in... Ezra 1:1-4

Exiles return to... Ezra 2:1-70

Work on, hindered... Ezra 5:1-17

Walls of, dedicated... Nehemiah 12:27-47

Christ: Enters as King... Matthew 21:9, 10

    Laments for... Matthew 23:37

    Crucified at... Luke 9:31

    Weeps over... Luke 19:41, 42

    Predicts destruction... Luke 19:43, 44

Gospel preached at... Luke 24:47

Many miracles performed in... John 4:45

Church begins here... Acts 2:1-47

Christians or, persecuted... Acts 4:1-30

Stephen martyred at... Acts 7:1-60

First Christian council held here... Acts 15:1-29


    Visits... Acts 20:16

    Arrested in... Acts 21:30-36

    Taken from... Acts 23:12-33


Possession of peace


