Becker Topical Indexes




1.  Son of Zeruiah, David's half-sister... 2 Samuel 8:16

    Leads David's army to victory over Ish-bosheth... 2 Samuel 2:10-32

    Assassinates Abner deceptively... 2 Samuel 3:26, 27

    David rebukes him... 2 Samuel 3:28-39

    Commands David's army against Edomites... 1 Kings 11:14-17

    Defeats Syrians and Ammonites... 2 Samuel 10:1-14

    Obeys David's orders concerning Uriah... 2 Samuel 11:6-27

    Allows David to besiege Rabbah... 2 Samuel 11:1

    Makes David favorable toward Absalom... 2 Samuel 14:1-33

    Remains loyal to David... 2 Samuel 18:1-5

    Killed Absalom... 2 Samuel 18:9-17

    Rebukes David's grief... 2 Samuel 19:1-8

    Demoted by David... 2 Samuel 19:13

    Puts down Sheba's revolt... 2 Samuel 20:1-22

    Killed Amasa... 2 Samuel 20:8-10

    Regains command... 2 Samuel 20:23

    Opposes David's numbering of the people... 2 Samuel 24:1-9; 1 Chronicles 21:1-6

    Supports Adonijah... 1 Kings 1:7

    David's dying words against... 1 Kings 2:1-6

    His crimes punished by Solomon... 1 Kings 2:28-34

2.  Son of Seraiah... 1 Chronicles 4:13, 14

3.  Family head of exiles... Ezra 2:6


Jehovah is father


