Becker Topical Indexes




1.  Levite; becomes Micah's priest... Judges 17:1-13

    Follows Danites to idolatrous Dan... Judges 18:3-31

    Grandson of Moses (Manasseh)... Judges 18:30

2.  King Saul's eldest son... 1 Samuel 14:49

    Smites Philistine garrison... 1 Samuel 13:2, 3

    Attacks M1chmash... 1 Samuel 14.1-14

    Saved from his father's vow... 1 Samuel 14:24-45

    Makes covenant with David... 1 Samuel 18:1-4

    Pleads for David' s life... 1 Samuel 19:1-7

    Warns David of Saul's wrath... 1 Samuel 20:1-42

    Makes second covenant with David... 1 Samuel 23:15-18

    Killed by Philistines... 1 Samuel 31:2, 8

    Mourned by David... 2 Samuel 1:17-27

    David provides for his son... 2 Samuel 9:1-8

3.  Uncle of King David... 1 Chronicles 27:32

4.  Son of the high priest Abiathar... 2 Samuel 15:27

    Remains faithful to David... 2 Samuel 15:26-36

    Brings David Absalom's plans... 2 Samuel 17:15-22

    Informs Adonijah of David's choice... 1 Kings 1:41-49

5.  Son of Shimeah... 2 Samuel 21:21, 22

6.  One of David's mighty men... 2 Samuel 23:32

7.  Judahite... 1 Chronicles 2:32, 33

8.  Son of Kareah... Jeremiah 40:8, 9

9.  Scribe... Jeremiah 37:15, 20

10. Opponents of Ezra's reforms... Ezra 10:15

11. Descendant of Adin... Ezra 8:6

12. Levite of Asaph's line... Nehemiah 12:35

13. Head of a priestly house... Nehemiah 12:14

14. Postexilic high priest... Nehemiah 12:11


Jehovah has given


