Thursday, 25 April 2024, 12:13 AM
Site: Becker Bible Teacher Resources
Course: Becker Bible Teacher Resources (Scholar)
Glossary: Main Glossary


Roman Catholic ecclesiastical withdrawal of sacraments of baptism, marriage or burial, and a suspense of church operations from a country; also a censure used against a person. An effective tool used by Pope Innocent III to move European politicians to reform and conform to his will (Hill, 192).


Hill, Jonathan. "Early Christianity: A World Religion." Handbook to the History of Christianity. Zondervan, 2006


A member of the Syrian Monotheistic church, which was governed by the patriarch of Antioch in the 6th century A.D.

Lapsed or Lapsi

Those who "fall" away from the church in times of persecution.

Lateran Councils

Five ecumenical councils of the Roman Catholic church which were held in the Lateran Palace in Rome.

First Lateran Council (1123) - (Pope Calixtus II) reiterated the condemnation of simony and forbidding clergymen to marry that were decreed in earlier ecumenical councils.

Second Lateran Council (1139) - (Pope Innocent II) ended the schism created by the election of a rival pope.

Third Lateran Council (1179) - (Pope Alexander III) established a two-thirds majority of the College of Cardinals for papal election; also condemned the heresies of the Cathari.

Fourth Lateran Council (1215) - (Pope Innocent III) Compelled Catholics to make yearly confession, prepared for a new Crusade, sanctioned the doctrine of transubstantiation, addressed the corruption within the church and enforced clerical celibacy and dignity.

Fifth Lateran Council (1512-17) - (Pope Julius II) affirmed the immortality of the soul and brought peace between Christian rulers.


Those holding the ideal that the church is an instrument of salvation as a kind of hospital for sick souls. Conversely, Rigorists hold the belief that the Church is a congregation of saved people seperated from sin.1

1Ferguson, Everett. Church History Volume One: From Christ to Pre-Reformation. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005, 145.

Liberation Theology

1971 term coined for the politicization of  the insignificant, marginalized, unimportant, needy, despised, and defenseless believers by some Roman Catholic priests in conflict with their Church. Peruvian priest Gustavo Gutierrez wrote one of the movement's defining books, A Theology of Liberation, which stressed the utilization of Christian based communities to take up the sword of Christ to fight social injustice, and basically ignoring the love of Christ motif. The movement was branded as Marxism by the United States government, as well as the Orthodox Church hierarchy, including Pope Francis long before he assumed the role as shepherd of the Church.  While the idea of God holding a preferential option toward the poor is a noble idea represented in Scripture, the politicization of the impoverished led them away from the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.


Originally meaning 'work for the people,' during the Jewish Diaspora, it took on the meaning of 'work done for God'; specifically, it means praise and worship to God, usually during communal service.

Melkite Church

Popular Greek-oriented church chiefly of Syria and Egypt, adhering to Chalcedonian orthodoxy in preference to Monophysitism. (See Monophysite Church)

Monophysite Church

A Popular Coptic Church throughout Syria, Egypt, Anatolia, and Lavant for those adhering to Monophysitism in preference of the Chalcedonian orthodoxy. (See Melkite Church)


A passage between the main entrance and the nave of a church that is enclosed