Thursday, 18 April 2024, 8:19 AM
Site: Becker Bible Teacher Resources
Course: Becker Bible Teacher Resources (Scholar)
Glossary: Main Glossary

Apostolic Succession

The unbroken line of succession starting with the Twelve Apostles and perpetuated through Bishops, which is considered essential for order and sacraments to be valid to the Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican churches.


A book with parts of the Acts and parts of the Epistles of the Apostles used by the Greek Orthodox Church.


Ascetics that live together in small groups.


The elevation, glorification, or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god or a glorified ideal.


The use of ritualistic ceremony and magic spells to anticipate and prevent evil.

Apperception, (Law of)

The law of apperception states that all learning is the association of new information with previously acquired knowledge or skill.  This universal learning technique takes place when previous knowledge and experience foundation is built upon with new learning.  Prerequisite skills must be mastered then linked to information from their minds to new information that is presented.

Aquinas, Thomas

The foremost Christian theologian of the Middle Ages, Thomas Aquinas assimilated Aristotelian methods and tools into the discussion of Christian theology. This philosophical methodology remained the distinctive feature of scholastic theology until the arrival of humanism and the Reformation. A Dominican friar that was taught at the University of Paris, Aquinas authored Summa contra Gentiles and Summa theologiae.


Developed by the inhabitants of the ancient land of Aram, it was the trade language of a particular region at the time of Jesus Christ. It is the ancient Semitic language which Hebrew and Arabic scripts were derived.


A branch of historical research that seeks to reveal the past by a systematic recovery of its surviving remains.


One or more premises and one conclusion. The two main types of arguments are deductive and inductive.