Thursday, 25 April 2024, 11:41 AM
Site: Becker Bible Teacher Resources
Course: Becker Bible Teacher Resources (Scholar)
Glossary: Main Glossary

Culture Circles

3 - Trusted small group of people that you trust and can share  values, needs, talents, goals, and dreams.

12 - Larger small group that have skills, talents, and possessions that will readily help the small group's goals

120 - Waiting to join and be compelled to give time, energy, and resources

Culture Circles exist in all areas of life.  Small or big changes depend upon the 3, 12, 120 rule, whether recognized as such or not. Though the numbers do not need to be exact, the frequency of these predictable numbers guarantee potential change in some realm of the culture of 3's circle of life.


Earliest known writing that is engraved on interconnected clay wedges

Curea Romana

The body of congregations and offices of the Roman Catholic Church that assist the Pope in governmental administrative duties