Main Glossary

Words matter! Know the meanings of the words you speak, write, preach and teach to perfectly accomplish the things the LORD God wills.

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A sequence of events placed in relationship with each other.
Entry link: Time


Lust for ruling.1



1Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, The City of God, trans., Marcus Dods, Modern Library Paperback ed. (New York: Random House, Inc., 2000), 464

Entry link: Tyranny

Vade Mecum

A book that a person carries for frequent and regular reference.
Entry link: Vade Mecum


A well-founded, just, sound, effective, binding and sustainable result.
Entry link: Valid


The characteristics of a prophet.

Entry link: Vatic


A derogatory term used to describe the doctrine of the absolute supremacy of the Pope.
Entry link: Vaticanism


Truly. Said twice for emphasis by Jesus Christ when speaking to doubters of His Word.
Entry link: Verily



A mountainous area located between the Roman and Persian empires in southwestern Asia, SE of Black Sea and SW of Caspian Sea. Christianity arrived at the end of the third century and was made the official religion of the state, even before Rome. The present-day location is divided between Armenia, Turkey, and Iran.

Entry link: Armenia


Biblical land of Israel located in Southwest Asia, bordering the East coast of the Mediterranean, and extending East to the Jordan River. (See Palestine)
Entry link: Canaan

Palestine (Canaan)

Biblical land of Israel located in Southwest Asia, bordering the East coast of the Mediterranean, and extending East to the Jordan River. The sacred region to Judaism, Christianity and Islam has been the object of conflict between Jewish and Arab national movements. Originally settled in early prehistoric times by Semitic groups, it was part of the kingdoms of Israel, Judah, and Judea during Biblical times
Entry link: Palestine (Canaan)

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