Main Glossary

Words matter! Know the meanings of the words you speak, write, preach and teach to perfectly accomplish the things the LORD God wills.

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A bow or curtsy before a superior to reflect deep respect. (See Genuflection)
Entry link: Obeisance


A four-sided pillar of stone that usually tapers to a pyramidal top.
Entry link: Obelisk


A mark (- or +) used in ancient manuscripts to point out corrupted or superfluous words or passages.
Entry link: Obelus


A person giving service within a monastery, but without taking monastic vows or submitting to full monastic rule.
Entry link: Oblate


The offering to the LORD God of the elements of bread and wine in the Eucharist.
Entry link: Oblation


An estimation, judgment, or idea that is tied to emotions (See Ethics)
Entry link: Opinion


Lust for conquering.1



1Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, The City of God, trans., Marcus Dods, Modern Library Paperback ed. (New York: Random House, Inc., 2000), 464

Entry link: Opinionativeness


An Egyptian philosopher, theologian, and biblical exegete (c. AD 185-254), Origen was the most influential of all early Christian Greek speaking theologians. He was the architect of most of the substructure of Christian dogma and biblical theology in the late antique period.

Origen believed that the highest goals of philosophy were reconcilable with the mysterious plan of divine wisdom (Logos), and in the sacred scriptures, the gift of revelation and human enlightenment would meet. His approach to Bible interpretation was governed by the belief that scripture was a single reality from the mind of the Divine Logos, and thus had several layers of meaning. For Origen, those who stayed only with the literal meaning of Bible text interpretation were left in the valleys of immature spiritual growth, and unable to ascend to the mountaintop and receive the deeper teachings of Jesus Christ.

His book "On First Principles" was an introductory summary of Christian faith that related Christian worldview and how it embraces cosmology, philosophy and religion. His greatest work, the "Commentary on the Gospel of John", and his most influential writing, the "Commentary on the Song of Songs", were written in Caesarea, after tensions forced his departure from Alexandria in AD 231. In AD 249, he was tortured by the emperor Decius, and died in AD 253, a martyr's death from the injuries of that torture. (Hill, 67)


Hill, Jonathan. "Early Christianity: A World Religion." Handbook to the History of Christianity. Zondervan, 2006.
Entry link: Origen


The technical term for potsherds whose fragments contain writing. Inscriptions of this type are usually found scratched into the sherds or written with ink.
Entry link: Ostraca


Palestine (Canaan)

Biblical land of Israel located in Southwest Asia, bordering the East coast of the Mediterranean, and extending East to the Jordan River. The sacred region to Judaism, Christianity and Islam has been the object of conflict between Jewish and Arab national movements. Originally settled in early prehistoric times by Semitic groups, it was part of the kingdoms of Israel, Judah, and Judea during Biblical times
Entry link: Palestine (Canaan)

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