Main Glossary

Words matter! Know the meanings of the words you speak, write, preach and teach to perfectly accomplish the things the LORD God wills.

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Summum Bonum

(Latin) The highest or chief good (spoken of in Ecclesiastes)
Entry link: Summum Bonum

Symbolic Interactionism

Views symbols or things to which we attach meaning, as the basis of social life.
Entry link: Symbolic Interactionism


A Syrian living in Phoenicia

Entry link: Syro-Phoenician

Systematic Theology

Summarizes biblical and historical theology, and seeks to build an organic, consistent and truthful system with our knowledge of God and His relationship with the universe revealed in both Scripture and nature
Entry link: Systematic Theology



An unnatural mound created by repeated destruction and rebuilding of ancient cities and villages on the same site.
Entry link: Tell


Originally built in Jerusalem on King Solomon's orders centuries earlier, it was rebuilt and restored by Herod the Great in the 1st century, B.C. The Temple was central to Jewish religion, and was used in sacrifices and other rituals as directed by the Pentateuch. The LORD God inhabited the central precinct with the Temple, called the Holy of Holies, and only the high priest could enter once a year.

Entry link: Temple

Ten Commandments

The Law of the LORD God, given to Moses by His voice upon Mount Sinai, and written upon stone tablets as part of the covenant between God and His people. (Exodus 20)
Entry link: Ten Commandments

Textual Criticism

Hermeneutical interpretation of Biblical texts using the modern approach to evaluate text as close as possible to the original texts of the manuscript copies of the Bible books.  (See Hermeneutics)

Entry link: Textual Criticism


Having both a Divine and human nature

Entry link: Theanthropic

Theistic Evolutionism

Belief that God used evolution as one pattern for His Creation. There is a fixed point in time when the Creation was "very good" and perfect in God's eyes and was finished. Any changes that occur after the fallen condition are a result of devolution that has had to deteriorate progressively from the first perfect creation for adaptation to the fallen world. Every mutation makes a gene-based sequence progressively deteriorate, making the life worse off than the perfect Creation once was, and cannot be restored to perfectness once again without the touch of God. (See The Creation of Light, Heavens and Earth, Seas, Sun, Moon and Stars and The Evolution, Making and Creation of Man)
Entry link: Theistic Evolutionism

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