Main Glossary

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The connection of a political system joined with a spiritual system, making the head of state both king and pope as the head of the church and supreme judge in religious matters. It is often associated with the Byzantine Empire, where emperors presided over church councils and appointed patriarchs.
Entry link: Caesaropapism


A heap of stones set up as a landmark, monument or memorial.
Entry link: Cairn


Biblical land of Israel located in Southwest Asia, bordering the East coast of the Mediterranean, and extending East to the Jordan River. (See Palestine)
Entry link: Canaan


When ecumenical councils deal with mattersĀ  that regard organizaitonal, disciplinary, or procedural matters, they are called "canons."

When ecumenical councils deal with matters of faith, the resulting edicts are known as "symbols" or "dogmas." 1

1Ferguson, Everett. Church History Volume One: From Christ to Pre-Reformation. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005, 211.

Entry link: Canons

Carthusian Movement

A monastery founded by priest and scholar Bruno in 1084 in the Alps called Chartreuse led to the movement that became part of the unofficial conscience of the church. Rather than based upon the Rule of St. Benedict, Bruno's group focused upon duplicating the early desert fathers with smaller communities, solitary contemplation and work. It blended the old ideal of hermitage with the medieval institution of the communal monastery, and became respected for its severe approach to a life of solitude for dedicated monks. (Hill, 189)


Hill, Jonathan. Zondervan Handbook to the History of Christianity. Oxford: Lion Publishing, 2006.
Entry link: Carthusian Movement


Theology set within a scheme of questions and answers.
Entry link: Catechism


The whole body of Christians
Entry link: Catholic

Celestial Hierarchy

A corpus within the Dionysian writings which presents the angelic hierarchy in three triads of seraphim, cherubim and thrones; dominions, powers and authorities; principalities, archangels and angels.
Entry link: Celestial Hierarchy


The altar of a church that is usually an enclosed space for use by clergy and other officials
Entry link: Chancel


The Priest in charge of a Roman Catholic chancery; also, the chief administrative officer in certain American Universities.
Entry link: Chancellor

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