Main Glossary

Words matter! Know the meanings of the words you speak, write, preach and teach to perfectly accomplish the things the LORD God wills.

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Idols of the Tribe

Fallacies derived from the nature of man and his social organization. Human beings are apt to perceive order in a system that does not exist, and follow after that false preconception. (See Idols of the Mind)
Entry link: Idols of the Tribe


Incapable of suffering; God is impassible, thus patripassianism is rejected according to the old catholic fathers.  There is a distinction between the Father and the Son, solving the problem of salvation by suffering that allowed Christ's suffering while reflecting the LORD God's incapability of suffering.1

1Ferguson, Everett. Church History Volume One: From Christ to Pre-Reformation. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005, 142.

Entry link: Impassible


The lack of respect and reverence for the LORD God and His sacred things

Entry link: Impiety


A call for a curse with vivid words of judgment upon an enemy in prayer, song, or psalm in desire for justice
Entry link: Imprecatory


A type of argument which the premise appears to provide some degree of support (but not complete) for the conclusion. A good inductive argument is cogent if the premises are true, and the conclusion is considered likely to be true. (See Deductive)
Entry link: Inductive

Inductive Fallacy

Arguments which the premise(s) do not provide enough support for the conclusion, making it unlikely that the conclusion is true. Inductive Fallacy is usually less formal than deductive fallacy, and is at the level of simple argument.
Entry link: Inductive Fallacy


The reality that one can begin at any given point and go inward and yet never arrive (Contrast - Eternity)
Entry link: Infinity


Past written remains of words uncovered by archaeological activity
Entry link: Inscriptions

Inscriptured Revelation

Discloses some truth about God's essence in itself.

Entry link: Inscriptured Revelation


Boring, pointless, dull, or bland
Entry link: Insipid

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