Typological Index Glossary

Indexing the deeper types contained within God's Word


Kathy L. McFarland

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Kathy L McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Kathy L McFarland


by Kathy McFarland - Tuesday, 5 November 2013, 8:15 AM

Suicide is murder.  Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or great fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide.  God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance in ways known only by Him.  We should pray for persons who have taken their own lives.(Sixth Commandment Violation, Exodus 20:13)

Entry link: Suicide

Kathy L McFarland


by Kathy McFarland - Tuesday, 5 November 2013, 7:53 AM

Sin Against Religion - The attribution of elevated importance with magical qualities to things that are commonly without such need as established by the natural laws of God (Second Commandment Violation, Exodus 20:4-6)

Entry link: Superstition

Kathy L McFarland


by Kathy McFarland - Tuesday, 29 October 2013, 1:56 PM


Entry link: Swallow

Kathy L McFarland


by Kathy McFarland - Tuesday, 29 October 2013, 1:47 PM


Entry link: Swan

Kathy L McFarland

Sycamine Tree

by Kathy McFarland - Saturday, 26 October 2013, 6:35 AM


Entry link: Sycamine Tree

Kathy L McFarland

Sycamore Tree

by Kathy McFarland - Saturday, 26 October 2013, 6:34 AM


Entry link: Sycamore Tree

Kathy L McFarland


by Kathy McFarland - Saturday, 26 October 2013, 1:12 PM
Entry link: Tail

Kathy L McFarland


by Kathy McFarland - Saturday, 2 November 2013, 11:07 AM


Entry link: Tall

Kathy L McFarland


by Kathy McFarland - Saturday, 26 October 2013, 1:24 PM


Entry link: Taste

Kathy L McFarland

Tax Evasion

by Kathy McFarland - Saturday, 9 November 2013, 7:23 AM

Failure to pay the government the dues owed them for the services they provide.(Eighth Commandment Violation, Exodus 20:15)

Entry link: Tax Evasion

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