Typological Index Glossary

Indexing the deeper types contained within God's Word


Kathy L. McFarland


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Kathy L McFarland

Production of Arms

by Kathy McFarland - Thursday, 7 November 2013, 12:20 PM

The producers and sellers of munitions and weapons have a moral responsibility for the use of arms delivered by them. Since the users of weapons are out of their control, participation in arms manufacturing or selling should be avoided. (Sixth Commandment Violation, Exodus 20:13)

Entry link: Production of Arms

Kathy L McFarland


by Kathy McFarland - Friday, 8 November 2013, 7:19 AM

The practice of prostitution for the pleasure of sex or pleasure of money is a sin and should bring shame to the sinful participants. However, the practice of prostitution undertaken by a mother to raise out of destitution and provide children food and shelter in difficult times, for instance, is not as serious a sin. It is a matter of intentions with the presence of lust a critical measure of the degree of sin. It cannot be denied that society suffers for its presence. But, prostitution provides a valuable, therapeutic role for those in society unable to express themselves sexually because of disability, rejection, or challenged by a myriad of difficulties; though it remains a sin, Christ's judgment will surely consider these needs and weigh it all in fair balance. One fact seems certain; the prostitute and the customer share equally in the sin of prostitution. (Seventh Commandment Violation, Exodus 20:14)

Entry link: Prostitution

Kathy L McFarland

Rash Judgment

by Kathy McFarland - Saturday, 9 November 2013, 8:56 AM

Causes unjust injury when one assumes as truth without sufficient foundation the charges of fault brought against another. (Ninth Commandment Violation, Exodus 20:16)

Entry link: Rash Judgment

Kathy L McFarland

Research (Immoral)

by Kathy McFarland - Friday, 25 October 2013, 1:10 PM
Entry link: Research (Immoral)

Kathy L McFarland

Sabbath Unkeeping

by Kathy McFarland - Tuesday, 5 November 2013, 8:02 AM

The breaking of the observance of Sabbath, which, according to Scripture and Jewish tradition, begins from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday (Most Evangelicals and Catholics choose Sunday to be Sabbath in the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ). Observance of Sabbath, set aside by God as different from the other days of the week, requires the ceasing of work and activities that hinder the worship owed to God; it brings revitalization and restoration of the spirit of obedient believers to prepare for the tasks during the other six days of the week. One should do no work if possible, and spend the day praising, contemplating, growing, worshiping and learning Scripture with their focus upon the Lord and His things.(Fourth Commandment Violation, Exodus 20:8-11)

Entry link: Sabbath Unkeeping

Kathy L McFarland


by Kathy McFarland - Saturday, 9 November 2013, 1:02 PM

To profane or treat unworthily those things Holy (consecrated) to God (Second Commandment Violation, Exodus 20:4-6)

Entry link: Sacrilege

Kathy L McFarland


by Kathy McFarland - Tuesday, 5 November 2013, 8:17 AM

An action that causes public outrage and a behavior which leads another to do evil. Scandal brings gossip which damages the virtue and integrity of the spreader. It is especially grave when scandal surrounds positions of authority or institutions of responsibility when it leads others to do wrong, leading into the realm of evil actions. (Sixth Commandment Violation, Exodus 20:13)

Entry link: Scandal

Kathy L McFarland


by Kathy McFarland - Friday, 25 October 2013, 12:35 PM


Entry link: Schism

Kathy L McFarland

Scientific Reproductive Efforts

by Kathy McFarland - Friday, 8 November 2013, 11:07 AM

Research biogenetics that manipulate DNA and genes, attempt creation of life through cloning, growth of organs and skin outside the body, develop artificial birth aids, and use aborted stem cells and test tube reproductive efforts are akin to human beings mistakenly assuming they are equal to the Creator and His Creation. (Sixth Commandment Violation, Exodus 20:13)

Scientific reproduction is an attempt to procreate life without God's intentions.  It is not the right of every married couple to have children.  Children are a gift from God.  If a couple cannot conceive, then they should accept God's decision and look for God's will for their union. (Seventh Commandment Violation, Exodus 20:14)

Entry link: Scientific Reproductive Efforts

Kathy L McFarland

Secret Keeping Failure

by Kathy McFarland - Saturday, 9 November 2013, 12:36 PM

Professional secrets must be kept unless the situation is exceptional and keeping the secret would severely harm another.  Clergy or confessor secrets must be kept from all but God, in all situations. Family and friend secrets are also sacred to the relationship; when a secret is divulged without good cause, the failure to keep the secret is a sin. (Ninth Commandment Violation, Exodus 20:16)

Entry link: Secret Keeping Failure

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